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by Madeleine George


Staged Reading Series

Humanities Little Theater
Anne Arundel Community College

Director: Madeline Austin
Asst Director: Andrew Agner-Nichols
Production Manager: Sean Urbantke
Asst Production Manager: Maggie Cunningham 
Sound Designer: Zachary Sexton
Lighting Designer: Aidan Henderson
Costume Designer: Elaina Kohrs
Costume Advisor: Michelle Hickman
Scene/Prop Designer: Kati O’Neil
Stage Manager: Liz Fall
Photos: Madeline Austin, Maggie Cunningham, Sean Urbantke                                    
Ensemble:  Eliza Geib, Rachel Harris, Leo Lin Kubit, Mycheal Lewis, Amanda Lynn Matousek, Jana Naylor

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“The NY Times describes Hurricane Diane as an “astonishing new play which whirls ancient myth, lesbian pulp, ecological thriller and The Real Housewives of Monmouth County into a perfect storm of timely tragicomedy.” Diane (the Greek god Dionysus in disguise) has returned to modern-day earth to help stop the effects of climate change.  To do so, she must seduce four housewives in a suburban New Jersey neighborhood. In this Obie-winning comedy with a twist, Pulitzer Prize finalist Madeleine George pens a hilarious evisceration of the blind eye we all turn to climate change and the bacchanalian catharsis that awaits us, even in our own backyards.”


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