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LittleShop Trio Seymour Orin_Ken L. Harriford.jpg



Book and Lyrics by Howard Ashman 
Music by Alan Menken
Based on the film by Roger Corman, Screenplay by Charles Griffith


Anne Arundel Community College
Robert E. Kauffman Theater, Pascal Center for the Performing Arts

Director:  Madeline Austin
Production Manager and Scenic Designer:  Sean Urbantke  
Pit Orchestra Director:  David Zajic
Vocal Director: Adam Beres
Costumer Designer: Michelle Hickman
Sound Designer: Stephanie Condon
Student Lighting Designer: Aidan Henderson
Stage Manager: Maggie Cunningham
Choreographer: Sierra Basilio
Assistant Student Director: Lucas White


Band members: 
Rehearsal Accompanist/Piano 1:  Jack Benedict 
Synth/Piano 2: Linda Christensen 
Guitar:  Joe Matthews
Bass: Bailey Dicus
Drums/Percussion: Billy Georg

Ensemble: Alexandra Baca, Erik Binnix, Abby Burns, Adam Conklin, Martin Egna, James Reed Estepp, Gavin Fernandez, Penelope Green, Sarah Johansen, Ethan Keller, Elaina Kohrs, Andrew Agner-Nichols, Daniel Wade, Robin Whewell, Susanne Whitney, and Anna Winslow

Photos:  Ken L. Harriford

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“​Little Shop of Horrors… directed by Madeline Austin, is a joyful show, full of lively songs, clever choreography, lovable characters, and brilliant puppetry. While the tale is gruesome, one can’t help but be swept away by the power of love in this production, leaving audiences happy that Audrey and Seymour were together in 'somewhere that’s green.'” ~ MD THEATRE GUIDE, Laura Taymanon, April 23, 2024

“Director Madeline Austin brings new choices to the frequently performed show, seeming to focus the performance more on the story’s B Movie origin than Frank Oz’s 1986 film. ...Austin changes the mood of the show a bit, making it feel like more of a 50’s show than a 60’s show. Austin also elected to have the fearsome Audrey II voiced by a female, losing some of the Levi Stubbs Motown feel in favor of a fierce female voice. The production embraces these changes and brings a new setting to the story.”

~  THEATREBLOOM, Posted by Chris Pence, April 14, 2024

“AACC Theatre Audiences Devour Delicious Cult Classic…The 'B-movie' musical adaptation received straight As from the audience. 'In our area we have many theater options, but I truly believe the AACC Theatre company is a hidden gem in our community.'”

~ SEVERNA PARK VOICE, posted by Judy Tacyn, May 1, 2024

“Theatre AACC puts on ‘delightful’ and ‘disturbing’ comedic horror musical. The show was the perfect blend of comedy and horror, with laugh-out-loud moments followed closely by chilling murders….The acting and comedic timing of the whole cast was impeccable, drawing countless laughs from the audience. All in all, Little Shop of Horrors was funny and disturbing, filled with great actors and great vocals.”

~ CAMPUS CURRENT, Tomi Brunton, Editor-in-Chief, April 13, 2024


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