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by Sharyn Rothstein 
4th Street Theatre, NYC

Producers: Madeline Austin, S.D. Wagner,  Carrie Schoenfeld, Sternman Productions

Director: Emmy award winner Ron Canada
Lighting Design: Traci Klainer Polimeni
Sound Design: Toby Algya
Set Design: Lauren Helpern
Costume Design: Emily DeAngelis
Casting Director: Brette Goldstein
Press: Dale Heller, Heller Highwater
Photos: Carol Rosegg

Ensemble: Michael Daniel Anderson, Bill Cwikowski, Judith Hawking, Christina Haag, Tom Hildreth, and Turna Mete

Catherine Murdoch is the head of wealth management at MetroBank – one of the largest and most powerful banks in the world – where she was just passed over for CEO. When the corruption of the new CEO threatens her world and her values, Murdoch must decide where her alliances will lie – does she follow her ambitions or does she follow her conscience. Drawn from the financial crisis of 2008, The Invested shows the rivalries, betrayals and alliances that could bring the world to the brink of economic disaster.



“….a phenomenal supporting cast and neat direction by Ron Canada, and THE INVESTED becomes a surprise theatrical gem… Rothstein's ability to spin financial jargon into compelling dramatic material is impressive.” ~ Backstage

“….a knowing, deliciously mean, and smartly plotted play on the up-to-the-minute subject of high-finance corruption and betrayal. ” ~ Theatermania

“Don’t walk, run, run, run to the 4th Street Theatre to see a new play, THE INVESTED, about the Wall Street debacle…masterfully directed by Ron Canada.” ~ NY Press Club

“A timely drama for Wall Street and its customers, Sharyn Rothstein’s THE INVESTED aims to explore the roots of the 2008-2009 financial crisis from the inside out. The tale of corporate intrigue and amorality is set at a fictional behemoth ripe with conflicts of interest.”

~ Bloomberg News

“…Rothstein has created an attention-holding drama with characters who talk and act like real people, not stick figures spouting a lot of financial gobbledygook. Secondly, THE INVESTED succeeds because Ron Canada and his design team have managed to stage it compellingly, allowing for fluid scene shifts without a lot of fancy scenery. Last, but by no means least, the play boasts a terrific cast.”

~ CurtainUp

“Using the shadow of recent wall Street debacles, Sharyn Rothstein has painted an intimate scene of the conduct that leads to downfall. Brisk pacing, great acting, and razor-sharp direction by Emmy award winner Ron Canada.” ~ Electronic Ink Journal


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